The Fishing Seasons at Fly Fishing in British Columbia located Pitt River Watershed is considered World Class because fishing opportunities on this Southwest British Columbia river include fishing seasons for 5 species of Pacific Salmon as well as steelhead, cutthroat and rainbows.
This river is one of the few remaining rivers in the South Western BC that is still considered a true wilderness experience with large wild salmon and trout runs. When you stay with us here in the Pitt River Valley you are on the river. No early morning car rides across the city, no extra boat rides across any lake… you are where it is all happening.
Fly Fishing for British Columbia Steelhead
British Columbia Steelhead are one of the worlds most sought after game fishbecause of their quality of fight and their size averaging 6-12 lbs withsome up to 25 lbs. They are elusive, mainly due to limited numbers of fish,and are well known for their explosive fighting ability often displaying numerous aerobatic leaps from the fast flowing rivers they return to. When steelhead are landed, and many are not, the sheer beauty of these wonderfully marked fish with all the black spots is enough to take your breath away. The Pitt River steelhead are a winter steelhead that start entering the river in January, peak late February through to the end of March and are †the last all wild run close to Vancouver. When the steelhead are in the river bulltrout and cutthroat are also throughout the system which makes this river the most saught after for winter catching, not just fishing! Being the only lodge and being boat and air access makes winter fishing on the Pitt a stress free, quiet fishing experience.
Fly Fishing for British Columbia Bull Trout and Dolly Varden
Sea run bull trout and dolly varden start returning to the Pitt in late May, running strong through June to the first week in August. This is the largest run of bulltrout and dolly varden in Southwestern BC. These sea run fish are large, up to 4-12 lbs, extremely strong fighters and our guides favorite to catch as they will bend a 7-8 weight rod to its max. We use single and double handed for the fiesty fish depending on the water conditions and time of year. A little known fact is Bull Trout will take a skated dry fly so our guides will keep a 5-6wt dry fly rod handy. It is normally pretty easy to catch 5-10 per rod per day, even if you are just a beginner. If you have never caught a sea run bull, the odds are that once you have one on the line you will be forever hooked on these fish.
Fly Fishing for British Columbia Cutthroat Trout
Sea Run Cutthroat – Next to steelhead, these fish are one of the most beautiful to be found. They can get up to 8 lbs., however the Pitt rarely sees fish over 4 lbs. and most sea run cut throat range from 10″ – 20″. They are very aggressive at times, however they do make you appreciate how selective they can be. Very nice to catch with a minnow imitation, on a dry line- large numbers in the river at the right time of year.
Fly Fishing for British Columbia for Sockeye Salmon
Pitt River Sockeye are the largest by size in the world with some weighing in at 18lbs. The Pitt River is only 40 miles from the ocean which can bring them into the Pitt in 24 hrs, and at the peak of their energy which makes these chrome bright fish one of the best fighting fish the Pitt has to offer. With jumps as high as five feet, cartwheels and incredible head shakes making these fish a real challenge to land. Sockeye are also the most plentiful fish in the Pitt with 40,000-70,000 returning each year. They stay bright for the first two weeks of August and then slowly start switching to colourful reds and greens, they are still extremely feisty to the end of August with large numbers caught. This is a spectacular fishery with large numbers of cutthroat rainbows and bulltrout following these magnificent fish, waiting for them to spawn. They will all keep your rod bent!
Fly Fishing for British Columbia Coho Salmon
Coho Salmon fishing is almost a way of life on the local rivers during the fall and is quite incredible, with huge runs coming in on the rain filled rivers such as the Pitt River. The Pitt River Coho are the largest all wild run in southwestern BC and start the third week in September and peak around the 10th of October to November 20th continuing on through the winter months well into February…these fish are chrome bright and ready to put up a battle. At the same time the coho are returning there are numerous bulltrout, dolly varden, cutthroat and rainbows. The Pitt coho range from 4-20 lbs with the average being around 6-12 lbs. The river is usually low this time of year which makes fishing and wading very easy. The Pitt Coho season is the most anticipated and exciting fishery in southwestern have to try it at least once!
Fly Fishing for British Columbia Rainbow Trout
Nymphing- August, Sept and October Rainbows in the upper Pitt River are plentiful and can be found throughout the system. They can range anywhere from 12-22 inches and at certain times of the year are aggressive on the dry fly. Some of the Pitt rainbows are unique in that they are heavily spotted and are called Leopard Trout. These are a very exciting fish to catch nymphing or on the dry fly. Nice addition to an already great fishery.
Fraser River Sturgeon Fishing in British Columbia
Sturgeon fishing in Vancouver British Columbia offers anglers a world class experience. White sturgeon are present in the mighty Fraser River and its tributaries 12 months of the year. These Vancouver Rivers have enjoy some of the largest populations of Sturgeon in the world today. Since British Columbia sturgeon fishing has become catch and release only, we are seeing a great rebound in their numbers. After catching a monster our guides scan and tag the sturgeon for the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society who along with volunteers such as our company track the movements of these prehistoric creatures to better understand their movements and habits.